We had a nice visit from Roger Oglesby, the former publisher of the Seattle Post-Intelligencer, when he dropped by the studio earlier today before enjoying a nice lunch with our neighbors at the Boat Street Cafe. It was good to hear that he is doing well, spending time with his family while splitting his week between an apartment downtown and a “beat-up cabin” on Whidbey Island. He has also been working on a novel, a fictional story with a lawyer and a journalist as protagonists (write what you know). He seemed to feel right at home in the Red Box Pictures studio… Maybe that’s because our furniture once lived in the waiting room of his office at the P-I. We love visitors…get in touch and drop on in!
Sitting in a chair that used to grace his office waiting room, former Seattle Post-Intelligencer publisher Roger Oglesby thumbs through a book of Dan DeLong's photos from the P-I newsroom in it's final days. RBP photographer Rob Sumner holds the wall up. (Photo by Andy Rogers/Red Box Pictures)
Am I imagining this or are your walls painted the same color as Oglesby’s hair?