Visit from Former P-I Publisher

We had a nice visit from Roger Oglesby, the former publisher of the Seattle Post-Intelligencer, when he dropped by the studio earlier today before enjoying a nice lunch with our neighbors at the Boat Street Cafe. It was good to hear that he is doing well, spending time with his family while splitting his week […]
Talented Visitor from Austin

My pal from college in Austin, TX, Stephanie Friedman stopped by the studio last week during a visit. We had a yummy lunch and shot some fun pix in the studio, along with her husband Ted and local friend Shelly. I just read Steph’s tweet about her new artwork. Check out her hip and beatiful […]
About Our Name

We’ve been around for about two months now, and we have been getting comfortable with our name. It seems to be memorable, likable, and I am thinking we chose right.
3, 2, 1…liftoff!

Welcome to the blog. We’re getting this thing rolling so that our clients, friends and family can keep an eye on what we’re up to as we forge ahead on our new adventure. Red Box Pictures is a new photography studio in Seattle founded by four former Seattle Post-Intelligencer photographers shortly after the paper closed in March. We decided to go into business together for a bunch of reasons, but one of the biggest was to preserve some of the great camaraderie we shared as members of a newspaper staff.